Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It has been a while since I wrote last. I feel bad about that. No excuses, I just stopped being consistent about this. But I love what this habit does to my attitude about the boys and being a mom, so I thought I'd start writing about the boys again ... here it goes:


1. He has this ritual, as of late, to pray for all of our ailments. Which is wonderful and thoughtful, however, he never takes into account that we heal and no longer need prayers in our behalf for an illness we had a few months ago, but he keeps praying for my throat (I had a sore throat at the beginning of February), Liam's eye (which he got stitches for in October of last year), and his own cough (which he currently suffers from). The other night he was listing the ailments off and he peeked out of one eye and whispered to Daniel, "Daddy, do you have anything wrong with you?" Daniel answered 'no' and so Noah ended his prayer.

2. He has begun to get embaressed about things. I knew this day would come. It's too bad. I love seeing children in their tactless way ask questions, take off their shoes in public and pick their noses. It's hilarious. Once about 2 weeks ago we went to the gym and I told Noah to take his snow boots off when we got there. He stood there motionless, got a scrunched up look on his face and whispered in my ear, "But then I will just be wearing my socks!" He seemed mortified by the idea. I told him it was OK and he took off his boots. Today at preschool it was "wear your favorite hat day", so Noah showed up in a hard hat form our dress ups. As we waited to go in, he noticed that some kids weren't wearing hats. He asked me why and I said they probably forgot to. That was not enough for him. He approached one of his teachers and asked, "Isn't it favorite hat day today?" She answered 'yes' and he seemed satisfied with that. sigh. He is getting older and concerned with what others think. He will waste so much time on that over the next 20 years.


1. Liam has become my little friend. He clearly enjoys my company over everyone else's, including Daniel's. But besides that, we spend every moment with each other. Noah will go to preschool and Liam and I will go shopping together, go to the gym together, or hang out at home together. I remember this time happening when Noah was about the same age. When they are 2, they aren't old enough to do very much alone, but they can walk and talk and go with me everywhere, so they do. And so Liam does. He is a fun pal, most of the time. He gives me lots of love and kisses and snuggles. He holds my hand when we walk. I like all of that.

2. We dropped off Noah at preschool yesterday and then headed to the gym. I turned on some music in the car. Liam requested a song. He asked for "Bust it" (Bust a Move). Right at the beginning of the song a guy says "Bust it!" I replayed that beginning over and over again until both Liam and I were laughing outloud. It was fun. Liam has a good laugh. It's not very loud, but it tumbles out of him in a melodious way. Almost a chuckle though. And he always gets hiccups when he laughs too hard. It's adorable.