Friday, May 28, 2010

(I did it again ... I'm a day late)

Thursday, May 28, 2010


1. He was going potty and called me in to help him wipe after doing number two. When I came in he said, "Look! I went poopies and my poopies made animals! There's a dead turtle with no legs. See? You can't see his legs and so he's dead. Right there!" He was pointing only inches above the toilet water to a pile of little individual poops. He was right, I guess. I looked and it DID look like a legless turtle.

2. He plays well with Alonzo Ordaz and I love that. You never have to direct them or entertain them, you just let them loose on a play date and they take it from there.

3. He asks if we can "grill" almost everyday now. He will even wheel it out of the garage and run into the house and with his hands raised in the air and with amazing enthusiasm say, "I know!I have a great idea! We can .... GRILL".


1. He's predictable. I knew he would start getting tired around 11 am, but I left him a little later at Ordaz's house so I could finish up some Costco shopping. When I got there, Mandee said he kind of lost it around 11:15 am and she was able to console him, but he was so tired when she put him up to the table to eat some lunch right afterwards, he just fell backwards right off the bench. He kind of gets drunk with sleepiness. Poor guy ... but so predictable and I love it.

2. He repeats everything Noah says now. It's good because his English is starting to get better. All of his "s"'s sound like "sh" and he sounds kind of like he pronouncing things through cotton balls in his mouth. He mumbles a lot too. But it is so endearing when Noah blurts something out or asks for something and in the exact same tone and inflection Liam says it too. Sometimes it's a very clear repeat, sometimes not. This is how he says Christ (like at the end of a prayer) - "C-eye-st". And "food" sounds like "bood".

3. When he tries to say banana he uses his tongue to annunciate the "n"'s ... you'd have to see it. It's gorgeous.

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