Wednesday, June 23, 2010


1. We were driving to the library for Storytime this morning and the following conversation insued:

Noah: Mommy! Mommy!
Me: What?
Noah: ... I love you.
Me: Ah, thanks buddy.
Noah: That's a special gift.
Me: yes, it is, thank you.
Noah: why is it a special gift?
Me: Because love is special and when you give it to someone it's a special gift.
Noah: ... is love exquisite?
Me: yes
Noah: Do you know where I learned "exquisite"? My cartoons. Like a butterfly is exquisite.

2. Today Daniel and Liam went to Aqua Tots while Noah and I stayed home and finished making dinner, ate and waited for them to come home. While waitng, we danced. He would do a dance move and I'd copy him, then vice versa. It was fun.

3. Noah kept whispering in my ear tonight to ask if he could have cinnamon rolls yet and it tickled my ear and everytime I started laughing, he started laughing, but harder.


1. After dinner tonight, we had cinnamon rolls. When everyone was done eating and had all had their cinnamon rolls, Daniel asked if Liam was all done and ready for bed and Liam simply said, "ah bite seenmomon rooooows" (I want a bite of cinnamon rolls).

2. He loves baseball now. He woke up from his nap and asked to go outside and play catch. Noah was plaing with the neighbor's grandson, Adam, and Liam jumped in and brought a foam football with him. It was so fun to watch all 3 boys throw the football then run after it and tackle it on the grass. Liam was screaming, "ball!" and running and flailing his arms about. It was awesome.

3. He and Noah "talk". They do it mostly when they play or when they're supposed to be going to bed at night. I don't know if Liam understands Noah, but he seems to respond and Noah communicates enough for the both of them, so it all works out. It's just hilarious to hear Noah ask Liam questions, have Liam respond in his funny broken English and then hear Noah clarify what Liam said and respond. Just beautiful, the two of them.

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