Friday, August 20, 2010


1. The difference between boys and girls: "Girls wear leggings and boys have adams' apples", "Girls and boys are different when we go to church. Girls wear skirts and boys wear fancy pants. And they wear different shoes. Girl shoes have different stuff on them and boys have nothing.", "Girls have curly hair and boys have spikey hair".

2. We had a rough morning filled with errands to run - Costco trip, JoAnn's to use my coupons and the library to return overdue books. It was stressful. Liam was really the worst - crying, yelling, dumping bottles of water on everything in our cart and pinching Noah's cheek so hard it left a scratch mark (more like nail marks). So we came home and Liam went straight down for a nap and Noah played outside. Noah has very good ears. He hears stuff before I do 80% of the time. He can hear Daniel drive up, neighbors talking outside, birds, other animals and .... the ice cream truck. I felt so bad for Noah after the morning of rough trips that when he heard the ice cream truck and asked for ice cream, I said, "sure". We both ran outside and the ice cream truck was nowhere to be seen or heard. I thought maybe Noah had made a mistake, until 30 seconds later, the ice cream truck came around the bend way down at the end of our street. Noah's hearing is phenominal. Noah was pumped. He got the Shrek ice cream. He was so excited that after he got his ice cream, he just started talking to the teenager who was driving the truck. He told him Liam scratched his face and that he was excited about his ice cream and "goodbye". It was great. Noah looked happy and it made me happy.

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